Core Values

1. Each person knowing Jesus personally as Lord and Savior fully committed to being a follower of Christ

2. Each person actively seeking to make disciples of all nations pursuing local and global mission opportunities

3. Each person worshiping God corporately and privately to magnify the supremacy of Christ by having both our hearts and our minds engaged

4. Each person participating in community, desiring teachable hearts that are captivated by the things of God.

5. Each person developing a biblical worldview by learning and applying God's Word, the Bible

6. Each person actively being generous with money and resources in response to God's gracious provision

7. Each person actively involved with social justice in our community and world -- especially a concern for the most vulnerable in society: the widow, the orphan, the immigrant.

8. Each person being devoted to prayer

9. Each person discovering and using their spiritual gifts for ministry and mission in the world